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Eviction Procedure Workshop

Rhonda E. Stringer, Esq., a partner at Saxon|Gilmore, and Suzanne J. DeCopain, Esq., an associate at Saxon|Gilmore, were presenters at an eviction procedure workshop. Approximately 45 representatives of the firm’s affordable housing clients were in attendance. The event included an informative presentation on lease violations, lease terminations, eviction pitfalls, federal regulatory requirements, and more.

Rhonda E. Stringer concentrates her practice in the area of affordable and public housing, which includes; operations, management, policy, and regulatory matters involving public housing authorities and other affordable housing entities; Section 8 housing assistance programs; housing programs for the elderly; and HOPE VI and mixed-finance housing development programs. She provides advice and services to various public housing authorities and other affordable housing providers in such areas as landlord/tenant matters and all associated aspects of state, federal, and HUD related laws, regulations, policies, and compliance; Fair Housing and ADA/504 compliance; Florida Government in the Sunshine law; public records law; governance matters; contracts; torts; employment law, human resources policy, and EEOC matters. Ms. Stringer can be reached at 813.314.4514 or via email at

Suzanne J. DeCopain concentrates her practice in the areas of general civil litigation and affordable and public housing. She provides advice and services to various public housing authorities and other affordable housing providers in such areas as landlord/tenant matters and all associated aspects of state, federal, and HUD related laws, regulations, policies, and compliance; Fair Housing and ADA/504 compliance; Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine law; public records law; employment law, human resources policy, and EEOC matters. Ms. DeCopain can be reached at 813.314.4528 or via email at