2015 – Bernice Saxon, shareholder, and Jozette Chack-On, partner, of Saxon Gilmore & Carraway, P.A. attended the ground breaking ceremony for The Verandas, an affordable senior rental housing development. Phase I of the Verandas of Punta Gorda will consist of 60 senior units, comprised of 30 public housing units and 30 section 8 units.
Dr. Harry Agabedis, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Punta Gorda Housing Authority, Paula Rhodes and Rick Cavalieri, of Norstar, the project developer, and Howard Kunik, City Manager for the City of Punta Gorda were guest speakers.
Saxon Gilmore has developed specialized expertise in matters regarding public finance and in the representation of housing authorities and related institutions. We have extensive experience with mixed finance projects, including bonds, tax credits, and other government funding. Saxon Gilmore serves as general counsel to numerous housing authorities throughout Florida and acts in a consulting capacity on special projects to housing agencies throughout the country.