On April 16, 2014, Gainesville Housing Authority held a ribbon cutting ceremony entitled “Bridging the Digital Divide” at Woodland Park Boys and Girls Club to celebrate the opening of three computer labs. Attendees included Pamela Davis, Executive Director of Gainesville Housing Authority, Yvonne Hinson-Rawls, Commissioner, City of Gainesville, Lee Pinkoson, Commissioner, Alachua County, Russ Blackburn, City Manager, City of Gainesville, Hershel Lyons, Superintendent, School Board of Alachua County, and Jozette Chack-On, partner, at Saxon, Gilmore, Carraway & Gibbons, P.A.
The computer labs are located at Woodland Park Boys & Girls Club, Pine Meadows Community Room, and Eastwood Meadows Community Room. The labs will be open Monday through Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Saxon Gilmore is among the sponsors who donated funds to purchase the computer equipment used in the labs. Saxon Gilmore serves as general counsel to numerous housing authorities throughout Florida, and acts in a consulting capacity on special projects to housing agencies throughout the country.