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50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Tampa

JBG-Cropped-s-bOn November 7, 2013, John Gibbons, senior partner and co-founder of Saxon, Gilmore, Carraway & Gibbons, P.A., attended the showing of a documentary celebrating the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Tampa. Tampa Theatre invited patrons to relive the historical event when a sitting president visited our city. On November 18, 1963, thousands of people lined the streets to get a glimpse of President Kennedy as he rode in his motorcade. It was the same convertible he rode in four days later in Dallas.

Lynn Marvin Dingfelder, who wrote and produced the documentary, in partnership with WUSF Public Media, was at the event, along with members of JFK’s secret service detail, as well as numerous past and current political, civic and business leaders from Tampa. The one-hour documentary included footage from the President’s speeches while in Tampa, first-hand accounts, and photographs. Photographs included one of President Kennedy and Sam Gibbons (John Gibbons’ cousin), at a meet and greet at Al Lopez field. Sam Gibbons served as the U.S. Congressman from Tampa from 1962 until he retired in 1996. The documentary was dedicated to the memory of Congressman Gibbons, who passed away last year at the age of 92.

John Gibbons specializes in the areas of commercial real estate, corporate and business transactions, probate, and estate planning, and complex business litigation. He can be reached at 813.314.4504 or via email at

John Gibbons was quoted in a Tampa Bay Times article written by Patty Ryan discussing the events surrounding President Kennedy’s visit.  Click here to read the article.