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AARP Foundation Roundtable

Tevans2-cropped-sOn April 4, 2014, Tracy Evans, an associate at Saxon, Gilmore, Carraway & Gibbons, P.A., participated in a roundtable discussion organized by the AARP Foundation, regarding preventing foreclosure and promoting stability among the older population in Florida. The event took place at Orlando City Hall, and was well-attended by various assistance organizations, government representatives, lenders, and attorneys.

Macie Jones, the AARP program manager, traveled from Washington DC to attend the discussion, and provided a brief presentation on Florida foreclosure rates for people over the age of 50, and resources AARP is currently offering to assist homeowners in foreclosure. Ms. Jones then led a discussion among participants where additional resources and other solutions to the foreclosure crisis were discussed. Among those in attendance were Gail Plowden for the Orlando Housing Authority, Carolyn Bybel for the Orange County Democratic Black Caucus, Ronita Sanders, the area director for Congresswoman Corrine Brown, and representatives from Fannie Mae and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Ms. Evans practices in the areas of creditors’ rights and real estate litigation. She can be reached at 813.314.4513 or via email at