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GEBA “Learn Your Legal Rights Workshop”

Suzanne DeCopain, an associate at Saxon|Gilmore, was the co-chair at the George Edgecomb Bar Association (“GEBA”) “Learn Your Legal Rights Workshop”. The event was held at the Hillsborough Community College, Ybor Campus.

The workshops covered a variety of legal issues including family law, bankruptcy, immigration, employment discrimination, probate, wills, trusts, landlord/tenant, criminal law, personal injury, and malpractice.

Three judges volunteered for the judge’s panel and thirty attorneys volunteered their time for the workshop.

GEBA was founded in 1982, in memory of the late Honorable George E. Edgecomb. It is dedicated to the promotion and recognition of African Americans within the legal profession and the judiciary.

Suzanne DeCopain concentrates her practice in the areas of general civil litigation and affordable and public housing. She provides advice and services to various public housing authorities and other affordable housing providers in such areas as landlord/tenant matters and all associated aspects of state, federal, and HUD related laws, regulations, policies, and compliance; Fair Housing and ADA/504 compliance; Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine law; public records law; corporate governance; contracts; torts; and, employment law, human resources policy, and EEOC matters. Ms. DeCopain can be reached at 813.314.4528 or via email at

Photo caption: Antoine Daniels, Joy Smith-McCormick, Suzanna Johnson, Jhenerr Hines, Theresa Jean-Pierre Coy, Suzanne DeCopain, Valeria Obi, Kaarl Brandon.