Ricardo Gilmore, Frazier Carraway, Richard Asfar, Tabitha Fish, Angela Ennis and Romeaka Gray attended the Tampa Housing Authority’s 12th Annual Housing Hero Scholarship Program.
The scholarship is awarded to outstanding students who have defied the odds and are setting a good example for their siblings. The students are turning their dream into a reality by attending an institution of higher learning. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, have been accepted into the college/university of their choice, and provide a 250 word essay stating what it would mean to them to receive the scholarship, along with a letter of reference form the guidance counselor or a former teacher.
The scholarship committee reviews the information, interviews the applicants and then the finalists are chosen. Tampa Housing Authority provides the finalists with luggage, a laptop computer, computer case, flash drive and a monetary award that is based on their respective GPA. The student with the highest GPA receives $2,500, the other awardees receive $2,000 and $1,000 respectively.