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Rhonda Stringer, Presenter at 2023 FAHRO Annual Conference

RhondaStringerRhonda Stringer, a partner at Saxon|Gilmore, was recently a presenter at the annual Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (“FAHRO”) conference and trade show. FAHRO offers networking and training opportunities to people who provide public, assisted, and other affordable housing in Florida.

The topic of her presentation was “Best Practices for Building Your Case for Evictions”. To ensure a successful eviction case, there are strict procedures that must be adhered to, which include investigating and documenting potential violations, collecting sufficient evidence, preparing and serving proper notices, following state laws and federal regulatory requirements, and more.

Saxon|Gilmore has extensive knowledge of Florida landlord/tenant laws; relevant HUD regulations; and other federal, state, and local laws that govern the management of public housing authorities and their related programs and entities. Saxon|Gilmore routinely assists its public housing authority clients with all aspects of landlord-tenant matters, including but not limited to handling and litigating eviction cases statewide.

Saxon|Gilmore also has widespread experience with developing, implementing, and updating public housing dwelling leases and related policies and procedures. As requested by its housing authority and affordable housing property management clients, Saxon|Gilmore provides training to property management staff and persons serving as administrative hearing officers.

Ms. Stringer concentrates her practice in the area of affordable and public housing, which includes: operations, management, policy, and regulatory matters involving public housing authorities and other affordable housing entities; Section 8 housing assistance programs; housing programs for the elderly and disabled; and HOPE VI, mixed-finance, and RAD housing developments. She provides advice and services to various public housing authorities and other affordable housing providers in such areas as landlord/tenant matters and all associated aspects of state, federal, and HUD related laws, regulations, policies, and compliance; Fair Housing and ADA/504 compliance; Florida Government in the Sunshine law; Public Records Law; corporate governance; contracts; torts; and employment law, human resources policy, and EEOC matters. Ms. Stringer has practiced law for over 25 years and has represented various public housing authorities, affordable housing entities, and other clients in both state and federal civil litigation.

To read her full biography, click here. She can be reached at 813.314.4514 or via email at